How to get approved to buy a condo with a VA loan

Sep 24, 2024

9-minute read


Contemporary new build condos.

VA loans, backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), are designed to extend affordable mortgages and housing options to eligible veterans, active-duty service members and qualifying spouses. 

They require no down payment and have lower interest rates than other loan options. For those who qualify for a VA home loan, buying a condo can be a great choice. You’ll just need to ensure that the condominium is approved by the VA.

If you’re considering which type of property to buy with a VA loan, you should know the advantages of buying a condo and how you can buy one with a VA loan. Learning what makes a condo eligible for a VA loan and what you can do if you want to buy a noneligible condo can also help you feel more prepared going into the home buying process.

Can you buy a condo with a VA loan?

The short answer is yes.

The longer answer is that buying a condo with a VA loan isn’t much different from buying any other home, but the condo complex must still be VA approved. The purpose of this approval is to ensure that eligible VA loan borrowers aren’t overly burdened by the HOA in any way.

If you’re considering a particular condo, make sure the condo complex or development’s homeowners association has received VA approval. This protects the interests of both the VA loan holders and the government, which backs the VA loans. Any complex you’re considering will have to meet the requirements set by the VA.

Your real estate agent should be able to help you navigate VA condo HOA approvals.

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Understanding VA loan eligibility for condos

The VA loan program offers a valuable home financing benefit to eligible service members, veterans, and certain surviving spouses. Understanding the specific eligibility requirements is crucial, especially when considering the purchase of a condominium.

Purchasing a condo with a VA loan involves additional considerations to ensure the property meets both the VA's and lender's standards:

  • VA-approved condo development: The condominium project must be on the VA's list of approved developments.
  • Owner-occupancy rates: At least 50% of the units in the development should be owner-occupied. High investor-owned ratios may raise concerns about the project's stability.
  • Financial stability of the homeowners association (HOA): No more than 15% of unit owners should be behind on HOA dues. The HOA should demonstrate sound financial health to cover maintenance and communal expenses.
  • Single entity ownership: No single entity (individual, investor, or company) should own more than 10% of the units. This maintains a balanced ownership structure.

Ensuring these criteria are met helps protect the interests of veterans and maintains the integrity of the VA loan program.

For a comprehensive understanding of VA loan eligibility and condo purchase requirements, talk with a VA-approved lender or refer to official VA resources.

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What can make a condo HOA ineligible for VA approval?

Before you can buy a condo with a VA loan, the VA ensures a condo complex is a good fit for those eligible for VA loans by holding the complexes to high standards. There are several reasons why a condo complex’s HOA might not be approved by the VA.

There’s a right of first refusal clause

If an HOA’s bylaws give the HOA authority over who you can sell the condo to and when (also known as the right of first refusal), it will not meet VA approval. Let’s look at what a right of first refusal entails in this particular area:

  • The bylaw allows the HOA to be first in line to purchase the property if the VA loan holder decides to sell it.
  • The rule allows the HOA to buy the unit for the same price and terms as a prospective buyer.
  • An HOA can purchase a unit to make it a guest unit, community area or the property manager’s residence.
  • The bylaw may be invoked to prevent a below-market sale that could affect the appraisal value of other units in the development.

There are low owner-occupancy rates

If a condo complex or development has low owner-occupancy rates, the VA may withhold their approval. The general rule is that 50% of the units must be owner-occupied, meaning the units aren’t rentals or owned by investors. This rule is in place due to the high rental rate of condos.

Residents are current on HOA payments

In addition to the 50% owner-occupancy rule, the VA requires that at least 75% of the unit owners are current on their HOA fee payments. The VA may also have a cap on the amount an HOA can charge in fees.

Most of the units in a new development are sold

If a development is new, the VA will wait to approve it until at least 75% of the units are sold. And no more than 10% of a development’s units may be owned by a single entity. The entity can be an individual, an investor or a company.

What if I want a condo that’s not VA approved?

You have a few options if you want to buy a condo that’s not on the VA approved condo list. The easiest fix is to only look at approved properties with your real estate agent. However, if you want to continue to pursue that particular condo, you have a few other options.

Petition for approval yourself

But if your desired condo complex isn’t approved by the VA, you can petition for VA approval. It will involve working with other entities in the transaction: the HOA and the mortgage lender.

Ask the HOA to apply for approval

Borrowers can ask the HOA to apply for VA approval. It’s a complicated process that involves a lot of paperwork and can last for months. You should expect the approval process to lengthen your transaction time. Because obtaining approval often involves an attorney, HOAs must pay for it. 

The VA often expedites requests accompanied by an attorney's opinion letter, a formal judgment from a legal professional.

Ask your mortgage lender for help

You can also check with your mortgage lender to see if they can get the condo project on the VA approved list. They’ll likely have experience in this area. And your real estate agent may be of help here, too.

Common mistakes when buying a condo with a VA loan

Purchasing a condo with a VA loan can be a great opportunity, but there are a few common mistakes that can cause delays or financing issues.

  • Not checking for VA approval: The VA must approve the condo development before you can secure financing. If the development isn't already VA-approved, getting approval can take time and may not always be successful.
  • Ignoring deed restrictions: Some condo associations have rules that restrict foreclosure or resale without HOA approval. These restrictions can make a property ineligible for a VA loan.
  • Overlooking age-restricted communities: Condos in "55+ communities" may face extra scrutiny. The VA and lenders will carefully review the development’s policies to ensure compliance with fair housing and lending laws, which can impact the loan process.

Doing your due diligence upfront and working with a VA-approved lender can help avoid these common pitfalls and make the condo buying process smoother.


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Why condos can be great for military personnel

Before we dig in, let’s talk about what a condo is in the VA’s terms. The VA defines a condo complex or planned unit development as a common interest community – everyone living there shares land and common areas like playgrounds and parking lots.

There are many factors to consider when figuring out if a condo is a good investment. Besides generally being more affordable than single-family homes and often being located in desirable spots, there are other advantages.


Condos typically have amenities that appeal to a wide range of military folks and their families, including fitness centers, pools, community spaces and sports areas. Whether you participate in an active social life or you want to retire in quiet comfort, a condo can offer the conveniences you want.

Fewer responsibilities

Younger service members or those living alone may prefer condos over single-family homes due to fewer maintenance responsibilities. Condos often have a homeowners association (HOA) that handles upkeep. This can be an appealing option for those who prefer not to deal with outdoor maintenance tasks involved in owning a house.

Think of paying the HOA fee as funding the benefits of having a landlord who takes care of your broken faucet while you’re building equity in your home.

Clear rules and regulations

HOAs also have rules and regulations set out in their bylaws. The rules are intended to promote uniformity and orderThe rules – which can cover regulations on home repairs or upgrades, noise levels and pets – may feel restrictive. But the other side of HOA rules means consistency and standards for everyone in the community to uphold.

What are the benefits of using a VA loan for a condo?

Using a VA loan to buy a condo can be a smart move for eligible home buyers. VA loans are popular because they come with:

  • Lower interest rates: You can usually get a VA loan with an interest rate that’s 0.5% – 1% lower than conventional loans. This can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.
  • No down payment requirement: There’s no minimum down payment required with a VA loan. This makes it possible to buy a home without having to save for years for a down payment.
  • No private mortgage insurance: Unlike with conventional loans, you aren’t required to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI). That applies even if they don’t have 20% equity in their home. However, home buyers using a VA loan will need to pay a one-time VA funding fee.
  • More lenient lending requirements: Lenders usually have minimum requirements for credit score. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs doesn’t set credit score minimums as a condition of the loan.  

How VA loan terms compare to other condo financing options

When buying a condo, the loan terms you receive can vary depending on the type of mortgage you choose. VA loans, designed for eligible veterans and service members, often offer more favorable terms than conventional or FHA loans. These terms may include:

  • Down payment requirements
  • Mortgage insurance
  • Interest rates and fees
  • Property eligibility

For veterans and service members, VA loans typically provide the most affordable financing option when purchasing a condo, with no down payment, no PMI, and competitive rates. However, ensuring that the condo development meets VA approval criteria is essential to securing financing smoothly.

Are there closing costs when you buy a condo with a VA loan?

When you buy a condo with a VA loan, you’ll have to pay closing costs similar to any other home buyer’s. Your VA loan’s closing costs will cover the various costs of the home buying process, including a VA appraisal fee. 

If it’s your first time using a VA loan to buy a home, you’ll also have to pay a one-time funding fee to the VA. The VA funding fee is a percentage of the loan amount. The exact percentage of you’ll need to pay depends on how big of a down payment you made on your home.

VA loans, condos and approvals: FAQs

Looking for more information about VA loans and condos? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

How long is a VA approval on a condo good for?

Once a condo is approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the approval doesn’t expire or need to be renewed.

Can a condo be VA approved but not FHA-approved?

A condo may be VA approved but not FHA-approved. Their approval processes are similar – but ultimately different. In the past, VA and FHA approvals were reciprocal, meaning if the VA approved a condo complex, the FHA would automatically approve it. But this is no longer the case.

Where can I find the VA’s condo approval guidelines?

Read chapter 16 in the Lender’s Handbook from the Department of Veterans Affairs to find the VA’s approval guidelines for condos. If the condo you’re looking at isn’t approved, you can apply for approval through your HOA.

Where can I look for the VA condo approval list?

To find the official list of VA approved condos in a certain area, you must fill out the form on the VA’s site to request a customized condo report. A real estate agent familiar with the area you’re searching in can likely help you find VA approved condos more efficiently.

The bottom line: VA loans and condos can be a great fit

You can use a VA loan to buy a condo as long as you’re eligible to take out a VA loan and the property’s HOA meets the VA’s requirements. The process for getting your VA loan can feel like it has additional hurdles to overcome, but there are significant benefits to gain. 

The VA will evaluate condo developments to make sure they’re a good investment for you, HOA fees, other unit owners, and the owner-occupancy rates.

Ready to buy a condo with a VA loan? Start the approval process with Rocket Mortgage®. Learn whether you qualify for a VA loan to start your condo search as soon as possible.

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Michelle Giorlando

Michelle Giorlando is a freelance writer who lives in metro Detroit. When she's not writing about homeownership, finances, and mortgages, she enjoys performing improv, gardening, and befriending the wildlife in her yard.