Loan Types

Understand the different loan types to figure out which ones might be right for you.

A women with glasses working on her laptop possibly involving real estate.
Featured Story - 6-MINUTE READ

15-Year Vs. 30-Year Mortgage Comparison

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Adjustable Rate Mortgage Tips

Learn why some buyers opt for a loan with a changing mortgage rate

FHA Loan Tips

Learn how FHA loans can make home buying more affordable

Fixed Rate Mortgage Tips

Learn how this popular loan type works and what to expect

Home Equity Loan Tips

Learn how to leverage your home equity with a home equity loan

Jumbo Loan Tips

Learn about your options for loans that exceed conforming loan limits

VA Loan Tips

Learn about the incredible benefits VA loans offer for service members

Additional Loans

Learn about less common types of mortgages and whether they're right for you

Loan Comparisons

Learn how different types of mortgages stack up

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A woman on phone possibly talking about a good moment with some family member or friend.

Loan Types 5-MINUTE READ

Melissa Brock - Sep 7, 2024

Jumbo Loan Vs. Conventional Loan: What’s The Difference?

If you need a home loan that exceeds conforming loan limits, consider a jumbo loan. Learn how jumbo loans work and why they can be a good option.
A couple inside a new house, engaged in the unpacking process.

Loan Types 5-MINUTE READ

Katie Ziraldo - Sep 7, 2024

Can I Use A Home Equity Loan To Buy Another House?

Wondering if you can use a home equity loan to buy another house? Read our article to learn how the process works and to explore both the pros and cons.

A couple on a couch looking at a laptop, possibly researching or managing their mortgage online.

Loan Types 11-MINUTE READ

Ashley Kilroy - Sep 6, 2024

Reverse Mortgage Vs. Home Equity Loan Or HELOC: How To Choose

You can utilize your home's equity using a reverse mortgage, home equity loan or HELOC. Take a look at our guide to learn about the pros and cons of each. 

An Asian family enjoying family moments outside a white house.

Loan Types 8-MINUTE READ

Kevin Graham - Aug 28, 2024

What Is Freddie Mac’s Home Possible® Loan?

Freddie Mac’s Home Possible® program offers low down payments and fees for low-income buyers. Learn if the Home Possible program can help you buy a home.

Happy family gathered around laptop on couch enjoying their time.

Loan Types 6-MINUTE READ

Victoria Araj - Aug 26, 2024

HomeReady® Mortgage: How To Apply For This Loan

A HomeReady mortgage can assist you in the home buying process, offering you a lower down payment. Learn more about how to apply for this loan program.

A man and a women discussing something on papers with a female.

Loan Types 7-MINUTE READ

Scott Steinberg - Aug 23, 2024

What Is A Bridge Loan And How Does It Work?

A bridge loan can allow you to finance a new home before selling your current one. Learn about how bridge loans work and whether you should consider one.

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