A white shutter garage of a house.

Should I Buy A Car Or House First? How To Decide

Mar 1, 2024



Ah, adulthood: an entire world of new possibilities and financial decisions. If you’re in the fortunate position of having steady income and a little bit in the bank, you may be wondering if you should buy a car or a house first. The answer depends on your own set of circumstances, but if you’re worried about a car loan impacting your ability to qualify for a mortgage, read on.

How Does A Car Loan Affect Your Ability To Get A Mortgage?

When reviewing a home buyer’s credit-worthiness, lenders look at all existing loans: car loans, student loans and personal loans as well as revolving credit card debt. Lenders are especially interested in car loans as these are monthly payments that can affect a buyer’s ability to meet their mortgage payments.

Impact On Credit

Whether applying for a car loan or a mortgage, you’ll need a good credit score. Typically, lenders look for a minimum credit score of 620 for conventional loans and 580 for FHA or VA loans. Having a car loan on your credit file will impact the following:

  • Amounts owed (30% of credit score)
  • Payment history (35% of credit score)
  • Length of credit history (15% of credit score)
  • Credit mix (10% credit score)

An individual's credit score is made up of a mix of factors, but making on-time payments is the biggest part of your score and the most important factor. Making timely auto loan payments will go a long way toward showing home lenders you are a trustworthy borrower, especially if you had a thin credit profile prior to obtaining an auto loan.

If you have a low score or are working to build credit for the first time, buying a car may be the better first step.

Impact On DTI

While having an auto loan certainly won’t keep you from homeownership, it will impact how much home you can afford or how big of a mortgage you’ll be able to take on. This all comes down to your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) and your income.

Here’s a very simple example of how debt-to-income ratio works. This example assumes that the lender needs the borrower to maintain a DTI ratio of 37%, but your DTI may be higher or lower depending on other qualifications and the loan option you’re applying for. Other assumptions include a 15% down payment and 3.25% interest rate.

  • Alex is a homeowner who makes $40,000 per year before taxes, or a gross income of $3,333 per month. Alex is debt free, except for a $20,000 loan on their car, which let’s say comes to $360 per month.
  • To get a rough DTI calculation, just divide Alex’s debt ($360) by their gross monthly income ($3,333) and you get a debt-to-income ratio of 11%.
  • After factoring in their auto loan, a lender would qualify Alex for a rough monthly housing payment of up to $873.21, or a home priced around $200,642 or less (depending on interest rates at the time of borrowing).
  • If Alex had a more expensive car with a $35,000 loan (a $630 monthly payment) or owed money on student loans, keeping the DTI the same would qualify Alex for a monthly mortgage payment of $603.21, or a home in the $163,000 price range.

The example above illustrates how it isn’t necessarily about the price of what you’re buying when you borrow money. Instead, it shows how the cumulative amount you can afford to pay across all your debt obligations affects how much you can afford.

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FAQs For Deciding Whether To Buy A Car Or House First

While home buying may be the better long-term investment, it may not be tenable to get by in your location without a car. Deciding whether to buy a home or a car first comes down to the following considerations and frequently asked questions.

Do I need a car for my current lifestyle?

If there are few public transit options in your area and you need a vehicle to get you reliably to and from work, then it’s important to buy a car first. You can’t build wealth without employment!

Is home buying affordable in my area?

If you live in an area where real estate values are high, purchasing a home may be unattainable as a first-time buyer on an entry-level salary. Often, the answer to the question, “Should I buy a home or a car first” is out of necessity – it’s easier and faster to save the down payment on a $20,000 purchase than a $200,000 one, so naturally many opt to obtain a vehicle first.

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How much money do I have in savings?

Due to products like the FHA mortgage loan, home buyers can obtain a home loan for as little as 3.5% of the purchase price; but having the minimum 3.5% doesn’t always mean it’s time to buy a house.

Moreover, even if you can qualify for a conventional loan, which enables first-time home buyers to purchase with as little as 3% down, there are advantages to having a higher down payment. Saving and putting more money down means you’ll have more equity in the home when you do buy, pay less in interest over time and avoid private mortgage insurance that is required when buying a home with less than 20% down.

Should I wait to refinance my auto loan if I want to buy a house?

While refinancing offers benefits such as lowering your monthly payment and overall debt-to-income ratio, there’s a reason real estate agents, mortgage brokers and financial experts recommend home buyers put off all major purchases until after closing – it can seriously derail a real estate transaction!

Here’s why: When you apply for a loan (whether it’s new debt or a refinance of an existing loan), it impacts your credit score. A hard inquiry could potentially lower your score, and any new lines of credit will impact your overall debt-to-income ratio.

Since lenders offer home loan interest rates based on your score, if your score changes at the last minute, so will your interest rate. Then, the underwriters at the bank have to go back and underwrite your loan all over again.

Not only could your interest rate increase, but any last-minute credit score shake ups will definitely delay closing on your house.

Take the first step toward buying a house.

Get approved to see what you qualify for.

The Bottom Line

Whether you buy a home or a car first really comes down to your lifestyle, the accommodations in your area (like public transit) and your own personal financial goals. There’s really no bad way of hitting these important financial milestones, so long as you’re smart about the timing and protecting your credit along the way.

If you’re ready to consider applying for a mortgage and buying a home, learn how to get preapproved for your loan today.

If you ready to move forward with buying a home, you can apply online. If getting a car makes more sense at this point, check out the vehicle iventory from our friends over at Rocket AutoSM.

Headshot of Lauren Bowling, content strategist and finance writer for Rocket Mortgage

Lauren Bowling

Lauren Bowling is an award-winning blogger and finance writer whose work has been featured on The Huffington Post, Fox Business, CNBC, Forbes, Business Insider, Redbook, and Woman’s Day Magazine. She writes regularly at financialbestlife.com.