For homeowners

Home Equity Loan

Have goals like consolidating debt, or paying for college or home improvements? A Home Equity Loan from Rocket Mortgage® is a way to get the cash you need – without giving up a low interest rate on your existing mortgage.
A toddler, a black dog, and the toddler's mom peer through the large window of a yellow front door.A toddler, a black dog, and the toddler's mom peer through the large window of a yellow front door.

Is a Home Equity Loan for you?

You don’'t want to refinance

A home equity loan is a second mortgage. That means no changes to your first mortgage and its interest rate.

You need a lump sum

And have paid down your mortgage enough to take cash out starting at $45,000 and up to $500,000.1

Legal disclosures

1Home Equity Loan product requires full documentation of income and assets, credit score and max loan-to-value (LTV), combined loan-to-value (CLTV), and home equity combined loan-to-value (HCLTV) ratios. Requirements were updated 2/5/2024 and are tiered as follows: 680 minimum FICO with a max LTV/CLTV/HCLTV of 80%, 700 minimum FICO with a max LTV/CLTV/HCLTV of 85%, and 740 minimum FICO with a max LTV/CLTV/HCLTV of 90%. Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) must be 50% or below. Valid for loan amounts between $45,000.00 and $500,000.00. Product is a second standalone lien and may not be used for piggyback transactions. Product not available on Schwab products. Guidelines may vary for self-employed individuals. Some mortgages may be considered “higher priced” based on the APOR spread test. Higher priced loans are not allowed on properties located in New York. Additional restrictions apply. This is not a commitment to lend.

Your budget has room

You’ll have a second mortgage payment in addition to your first mortgage. Because a Home Equity Loan has a fixed interest rate, the payment amount won’t change.
A barefoot toddler and his dad stand in front of a piano while the father plays and the family dog chews on a toy behind them.

Comparing Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans and a cash-out refinance are both ways to use your home to reach financial goals. If you're not sure which one makes sense for you, our Home Loan Experts can help.

Interest rate

Mortgage payments

Length of loan

Closing costs

Home Equity Loan

Interest rate

Likely higher


Mortgage payments

Two monthly payments


Length of loan

10, 15, 20 or 30-year term


Closing costs

Interest rate

Likely lower


Mortgage payments

One monthly payment


Length of loan

From 8 & up to 30-year terms


Closing costs

Cash-out refinance

Interest rate

Likely higher


Mortgage payments

Two monthly payments


Length of loan

10, 15, 20 or 30-year term


Closing costs

Interest rate

Likely lower


Mortgage payments

One monthly payment


Length of loan

From 8 & up to 30-year terms


Closing costs

Connect with an expert

Frequently asked questions

Answers to questions about this loan we’ve heard from people like you.
Home equity loans: A complete guide

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